Art et marketing : mes deux approches complémentaires
Luc Hédin
27 novembre 2023
Oui j’ai deux casquettes com-plé-men-taires ! 🧢 … et dire qu’il y a quelques années j’en parlais à demi-mots car deux domaines distincts qui ne se parlaient pas forcément… Oui, 👉 je suis spécialiste en arts japonais, consultant en artET👉 spécialiste en marketing digital axé acquisition & UX L’amour de l’art et de son marché Le savoir-faire marketing Être consultant …
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Business meeting 2023 in San Francisco.
20 novembre 2023
Design, Marketing
To mark the first UK show of artist Herni Brande, developers ThemesCamp and German studio schultzschultz have created the Ledge Wooden at Berlin city. Today most people get on average 4 to 6 hours of exercise every day, and make sure that everything they put in their mouths is not filled with sugars or preservatives, but they pay no attention …
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Free advertising for your online business.
20 novembre 2023
To mark the first UK show of artist Herni Brande, developers ThemesCamp and German studio schultzschultz have created the Ledge Wooden at Berlin city. Today most people get on average 4 to 6 hours of exercise every day, and make sure that everything they put in their mouths is not filled with sugars or preservatives, but they pay no attention …
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